B.I.G. Restore: Brain-Immune-Gut Restore
B.I.G. Restore: Brain-Immune-Gut Restore is one of the most important and beneficial products. It contains three amazing ingredients, Shilajit, Baobab, & Allulose. Shilajit has a 5,000+ yr. history as a superfood/adaptogen with all kinds of amazing benefits. Baobab is the King of superfruits from the Tree of Life. The benefits of this product go FAR beyond the Brain, Immune system, and Gut. There are also Soil-Based Organisms to support the microbiome; Humic substances that repair leaky tight junctions (in the gut); Fulvates that radically enhance nutrient absorption & assimilation; and virtually every known nutrient. Allulose is a rare sugar with zero calories; it supports balanced & reduced blood sugar, and hemoglobin A1c, helps burn fat & reduce weight, and acts as a natural GLP-1 enhancer. Take 1 scoop 3x/day on an empty stomach if you have gut issues, or 3 scoops once daily if your gut is doing well.
Size: 135 grams