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Lugol’s Iodine Solution 2.2% | 2oz dropper bottle


Boost your well-being with our 2.2% Lugol’s Iodine Solution, available in a 100mL travel size. Since 1829, it has been a trusted source to provide essential iodine and iodide to the body’s cells, supporting overall glandular function and structural integrity. This is vital for those looking to combat common iodine deficiencies and enhance their overall health.

Lugol’s Iodine Solution is the best way to provide Iodine & Iodide to the body’s cells. It has been used successfully since its invention in 1829. Most Americans are deficient in Iodine based on government studies and that is based on a grossly inadequate RDA of only 150mcg. The Japanese consume over 100 times this amount and are far healthier in many key areas than Americans. Iodine is vital for all glandular function and structural integrity.

We offer 2.2% Lugol’s Iodine Solutions in 100mL (3.4oz Travel Size)

Click on the diagrams/images to left for Iodine’s many roles in the body. The first section focuses on some of the major Systemic (or whole-body) roles of Iodine. The second one covers some of the body of the top role part by body part. As you can see, Iodine is vital for a whole lot more than the thyroid (although that is super important as well).


Lugol's 2.2% 2oz, Lugol's 2.2% 2oz (3 Bottles)